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5 reasons why Branding is vital for a company, business, venture or entrepreneur


l branding It is the process of building a brand. In simpler words, it is a “living being” which is made up of personality, voice, internal and external aspects. (brand DNA).

DNA is that unique singularity in each living being and according to great experts in marketing and design, it is the reason for the brand's existence, why it exists, the environment in which it develops and the function it fulfills within of the market, is the vital input to communicate the product or service in an effective way and that the clients/consumer (as the case may be) not only take an image in their mind, but also in their heart.

That's why we mention those long-awaited 5 reasons:


When you present yourself, the first thing you think about is how well do they see me? How do they perceive me? Do I give the impression I want to give? That first encounter counts a lot in the first image that it generates in the mind of the person who sees it, that is, an adequate branding, that in a professional way, that impacts, persuades at the first sight and generates social approval that your products or Services are quality, perspectives make clients trust you immediately and feel more comfortable with you.


Your brand must be more than a pretty logo, you must consider the time and effort it takes to conceive a memorable brand that manages to position itself in the minds of your target (target audience).

Not only should it be memorable, it should achieve the desired impression; Therefore, branding done correctly and professionally helps enormously when people see it, immediately think and feel it, exactly the way it was conceived.

Strengthens the Marketing strategy (Marketing)

The concept and the strategy are the necessary duo for a brand, which together with the media and channels you choose, as well as the demographic objectives, helps a lot to build your brand.

With a good first impression, with that duo and accessories, we have guaranteed success, but be careful, the marketing approach you build for your brand must be short-term; because it could be risking the ability to expand into new markets in the future.

On the other hand, neither be the opposite; too broad where your marketing approach, remember that branding is “a living being” and we cannot put it to walk great distances, as it could result in an inability to create a definable impression of your company in the mind of the consumer.

Generates a sense of belonging

Any brand can find customers, but only a brand with excellent branding can find loyal customers who will be inspired to take its product, service, message, vision and mission forward.

When your brand projects pride, credibility and security, your customers will also reflect it in the best way to advertise, word of mouth.

Branding generates new income

Branding is the best way to get testimonials from satisfied customers and ensure that word-of-mouth marketing begins to give positive references.

This reinforces what we previously talked about, the importance of creating a solid logo, determining strategies, objectives, brand tactics and the results of your brand plan will leave an indelible mark on the minds of your consumers.

For example, you won't be able to tell a friend about the amazing golf clubs they just bought if you can't remember the brand. Or not?

How to execute a branding process?

Now, knowing why it is important to develop a branding strategy, here are some ways how you can do it:

1. Keep your brand in your customer's mind

Your brand should be aligned with the needs and wants of your customers. When starting any Branding campaign, you should always keep your customer in mind.

2. Create messaging that reflects your brand value

Remember that, when creating your message, it should be direct and simple, where your consumer can quickly position it in their mind. Most consumers do not have the time or interest to do it themselves. Your brand must create a story, where the consumer understands why they should choose your brand?

3. Use emotions

If you include emotions in your brand messages, where your consumer feels the need to care for it and feel it in a close way, they will have enough reason to purchase it and be loyal to it.

Most people make purchasing decisions based on emotions and not logic, therefore, maintain emotions as a strategy in your brand campaigns to continue building customer loyalty.

One of the truths of modern business is that there is almost nothing that your competitors can't duplicate in a matter of weeks or months. If you have a great idea, you can be sure that someone could copy it in no time.

And not only will they follow your example, but they may also be able to do a better job or sell the product or service at a lower price.

The question then is: What should be your competitive advantage?

Simple, develop the corporate identity for your brand.

One of the strongest competitive advantages is to create a strong brand identity for your small business where customers position it as a solid, reliable, close and quality brand. As a result, customers will think of your business first when they think of your product category. Your brand is the only thing where you can be the owner and no one can take it away from you.

Your trade secrets may be stolen, patents will expire, your physical plant will wear out, technology will change. But your brand will live on, creating lasting value beyond all other elements of your business.

That value is what is known as the brand value.

Brand value, unlike other marketing notions, can be quantified. The importance and value of a brand with a strong identity becomes evident when the businessman wants to sell his company. What really has value is the brand, more than the tangible elements. No matter what size your business is, the most successful companies are those that have managed to establish themselves as a leader in their sector, by creating a strong brand. And, when you focus on building valuable customer experiences with your brand, you'll make your own customers your brand ambassadors.


Adriana González Hernández Columnist
