Hilip Kotler, one of the great influencers in the world of marketing and economics, makes it clear what marketing 3.0 is in his book (of the same name). Marketing 3.0 exposes new strategies to reach people, respecting the central axis that is the brand's values, including employees, partners, distributors and suppliers, generating comprehensive engagement so that the brand generates credibility in those values that represent it. .
According to Kotler, people's values are at the center of the strategy, recognizing that more and more people long for a better world in mind, heart and spirit. That is, they not only want products and services for their personal satisfaction, but products and services that transcend the functional, with a purpose and that are aligned with their aspirations and ways of seeing the world. This process has accelerated enormously thanks to the emergence and massification of the Internet, generational and cultural changes, radical changes in consumer behavior in the population, in general, and in the younger segments in particular (millennials).
How to get from 1.0 to 3.0?
If reading the above still seems a little confusing to you (or you don't even believe in the power of revolution) let's go back to the origin, to that essence of marketing: improving to sell more.
Let's make a list, a step by step of that ascent to the top 3.0:
Marketing 1.0: Age of Products.
Define the product portfolio, it is the first step to know the market we want to reach; Keep in mind that even if you sell services, knowing what you offer, how you offer it and where you offer it, is the cornerstone to being successful in the functionality and massification of that product.

Marketing 2.0: Age of the Consumer.
If you feel that you can improve the product/service more and more, you are right! It is uncertain to what extent a product/service can be improved based only on quality, functionality and mass standards. This is where the consumer must be known and satisfied by market segmentation, that is, a solution for each need, for example: If you sold coffee and your customers are in the summer season, where the need is to cool off; The solution would be to adapt the typical hot coffee to a cold coffee-based drink, you are not modifying your product, you are adapting it to that need.

Marketing 3.0: Era of Values.
This is where you have to hit the mark by offering added value (taking into account the product, need and segment). We will no longer see a consumer, but rather a human being who has collective, environmental concerns and aspires to a better society. Also take into account the inclusion and sense of belonging of stakeholders (employees, partners, suppliers and the entire brand context). In summary, focus on the brand values and direct them as a premise to have a better world, let your driving force be unlimited technology, think more about the self (as a person) and less as a consumer, advertising action must be Functional+Emotional+ Spiritual so that the result is the Co-Creation of Value.